Le migliori Serie di Fantascienza tratte da Libri

I mondi fantastici dentro le pagine dei libri, hanno spesso preso la strada del grande schermo. Universi e storie racchiuse in due ore o poco più, che cercavano di racchiudere tutte le emozioni provate nella lettura dando in più la possibilità di vedere materializzarsi davanti ai nostri occhi i personaggi fin a quel momento creati solo nella nostra mente.

Ma molto spesso proprio il limitato arco temporale è stato ostacolo insormontabile per ricreare al meglio tutte le situazioni che nei libri possono essere sviscerate al meglio. Ecco perchè negli ultimi anni, molte sceneggiature tratte dai romanzi di fantascienza hanno preferito utilizzare lo strumento delle “serie televisive” per mettere in scena ancora più dettagli e ancora più approfondimenti.

Le serie tv tratte da libri di fantascienza

Nell’ultima decina danni abbiamo così visto un proliferare di Serie Televisive a tema fantascientifico, con l’adattamento di libri che è risultato in alcuni casi andare addirittura oltre le aspettative. Certo le necessarie modifiche e diversi aggiustamenti di trama e personaggi, hanno fatto a volte storcere il naso ai lettori più puristi, ma resta il fatto che abbiamo potuto godere di alcune perle imperdibili.

Da “L’uomo dell’alto castello”, che ha rivoluzionato l’idea originale di Philip Dick, fino a quel “The Handmaid’s Tale” che si è spinto anche molto oltre la storia iniziale creata dalla Atwood. Passando per un “Foundation” che ha appunto scatenato le ire di molti fan di Asimov (per lo stravolgimento della storia e dei personaggi), ma che resta un prodotto di altissimo livello.

Ecco allora un elenco di tutte le Serie Televisive tratte dai libri di fantascienza, uscite in questi anni più recenti.

L’UOMO DELL’ALTO CASTELLO (Amazon Prime, 2015) – Tratto da “La svastica sul Sole” di Philip K.Dick

The Man in the High Castle | January 15, 2015 (United States) Summary: In a dystopian America dominated by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, a young woman discovers a mysterious film that may hold the key to toppling the totalitarian regimes.
Countries: United States, United Kingdom, CanadaLanguages: English, Hebrew, German, Japanese

UNDER THE DOME (2013) – Tratto da “The Dome” di Stephen King

Under the Dome | June 24, 2013 (United States) Summary: An invisible and mysterious force field descends upon a small actual town of Chester's Mill, Maine, USA, trapping residents inside, cut off from the rest of civilization. The trapped townspe... Read all
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English

THE 100 (2014) – Tratto da “The 100” di Kass Morgan

The 100 | March 19, 2014 (United States) Summary: Set 97 years after a nuclear war destroyed civilization, when a spaceship housing humanity's lone survivors sends 100 juvenile delinquents back to Earth, hoping to repopulate the planet.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English, Mandarin, French, Spanish

WAYWARD PINES (2015) – Tratto da “I Misteri di Wayward Pines” di Blake Crouch

Wayward Pines | May 14, 2015 (United States) Summary: A Secret Service agent goes to Wayward Pines, Idaho in search of two federal agents who have gone missing in the bucolic town. He soon learns that he might never get out of Wayward Pines ali... Read all
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English

22/11/63 (2016) – Tratto da “22-11-63” di Stephen King

11.22.63 | February 15, 2016 (United States) Summary: A high school teacher travels back in time to prevent John F. Kennedy's assassination.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English, Russian, Spanish

THE HANDMAID’S TALE (TIM, 2017) – Tratto da “Il Racconto dell’Ancella” di Margaret Atwood

The Handmaid's Tale | April 26, 2017 (United States) Summary: Set in a dystopian future, a woman is forced to live as a concubine under a fundamentalist theocratic dictatorship.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English, German, Greek

ELECTRIC DREAMS (Amazon Prime, 2017) – Tratto da “Electric Dreams” di Philip K. Dick

Electric Dreams | January 12, 2018 (United States) Summary: A sci-fi anthology series with stand-alone episodes based on the works of Philip K. Dick.
Countries: United Kingdom, United StatesLanguages: English

THE MIST – LA NEBBIA (Netflix, 2017) – Tratto da “The Mist” di Stephen King

The Mist | June 22, 2017 (United States) Summary: After an eerie mist rolls into a small town, the residents must battle the mysterious mist and its threats, fighting to maintain their morality and sanity.
Countries: Canada, United StatesLanguages: English

ALTERED CARBON (Netflix, 2018) – Tratto da “Bad City” di Richard Morgan

Altered Carbon | February 2, 2018 (United States) Summary: Set in a future where consciousness is digitized and stored, a prisoner returns to life in a new body and must solve a mind-bending murder to win his freedom.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English, Spanish, Arabic, German

WAR OF THE WORLD (Disney, 2019) – Tratto da “La Guerra dei Mondi” di H. G. Wells

War of the Worlds | February 16, 2020 (United States) Summary: Set in contemporary France, this Anglo-French reimagining of H. G. Wells' classic in the style of Walking Dead follows pockets of survivors forced to team up after an apocalyptic extra-terre... Read all
Countries: United Kingdom, France, United StatesLanguages: English, French

BRAVE NEW WORLD (Lionsgate, 2020) – Tratto da “Il mondo nuovo” di Aldous Huxley

Brave New World | July 15, 2020 (United States) Summary: In a utopia whose perfection hinges upon control of monogamy and privacy, members of the collective begin to question the rules, putting their regimented society on a collision course with f... Read all
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English

NIGHFLYERS (Netflix, 2018) – Tratto da “Nightflyers” di George R. R. Martin

Nightflyers | December 2, 2018 (United States) Summary: A crew of scientists embarks on a mission aboard a ship called the Nightflyer to investigate a mysterious alien signal, but they soon begin to question if something is already on the ship wi... Read all
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English

FOUNDATION (Apple, 2021) – Tratto da “Fondazione” di Isaac Asimov

Foundation | September 24, 2021 (United States) Summary: A complex saga of humans scattered on planets throughout the galaxy all living under the rule of the Galactic Empire.
Countries: Ireland, United StatesLanguages: English

THE EXPANSE (Amazon Prime, 2015) – Tratto da “The Expanse” di James S. A. Corey

The Expanse | November 23, 2015 (United States) Summary: In the 24th century, a group of humans untangle a vast plot which threatens the Solar System's fragile state of detente.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English

LA MOGLIE DELL’UOMO CHE VIAGGIAVA NEL TEMPO (2022) – Tratto da “The time traveler’s wife” di Audrey Niffenegger

The Time Traveler's Wife | May 15, 2022 (United States) Summary: Tells the intricate love story of Clare and Henry, and a marriage with a problem... time travel.
Countries: United States, United KingdomLanguages: English

L’UOMO CHE CADDE SULLA TERRA (Paramount, 2022) – Tratto da “L’uomo che cadde sulla Terra” di Walter Tevis

The Man Who Fell to Earth Sci-Fi | April 24, 2022 (United States) Summary: An alien arrives on earth with a mission: to learn to become human and find the one woman who can help save his species. Together they discover that in order to save his world, they must fir... Read all
Countries: United States, United KingdomLanguages: English

INVERSO (Amazon Prime, 2022) – Tratto da “The Peripheral” di William Gibson

The Peripheral | October 21, 2022 (United States) Summary: Set in the future when technology has subtly altered society, a woman discovers a secret connection to an alternate reality as well as a dark future of her own.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English

THE POWER (Amazon Prime, 2023) – Tratto da “Ragazze Elettriche” di Naomi Alderman

The Power | March 31, 2023 (United States) Summary: A group of teenage girls mysteriously develop a special power that allows them to electrocute people at will.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English

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